Thursday, November 22, 2012

Story Time: The Robot

I told you there'd be more stories, just taken me a while to get them down. Like buses. Suddenly they all come at once.

It was a cold, rainy day. Just the sort of day for messing about and making stuff. Buttons and Fats decided to try making a robot. One that worked. They wandered into the garage to see if they could find some robot making stuff, but they only found a few bits of black wire that looked like liquorice and a battery that had run out of power. They decided they needed some more kit.

Buttons and Fats decided to use some of their pocket money to buy a kit like the one they’d seen in the shops. Buttons’ mum helped them to order a kit online, but they had to wait more than two weeks for it to arrive.

When it finally arrived they were so excited. They took all the bits out of the box and started to build the robot. But there was a bit missing. They needed an old drinks can for the robot’s body. Fats found an empty one under his bed and they finished the robot. It was great. It trundled all round the house on its little wheels and went up and down the slide when they took it to the park. They watched as the robot climbed to the top of the climbing wall and suddenly took off – it was flying. ‘I didn’t know the robot could do that’ said Fats sounding surprised.

That wasn’t the only thing they didn’t know about the robot. When they took it home it made itself a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallow and sat there drinking it through a straw. When Buttons asked the robot if it would make some for them, it did, but only when they remembered to say ‘please’.

It was getting towards bedtime and the robot started to get slower and slower. Buttons made a little bed for it in its box and it closed its eyes and fell fast asleep, snoring gently.

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